Please review our wish list below and any contributions would be appreciated.
Contact us
if you wish to help.
We have partnered with Goodshop so that now you can feel great about your online shopping! Goodshop gives you the best coupons for thousands of stores like Target, Apple, Amazon, Petco and more AND a percentage of what you spend on virtually every purchase is donated to our cause! Plus, with the Goodshop app for iPhone and iPad, you can shop, save, and give on the go. All you have to do is specify "Southwest Metro Animal Rescue and Adoption Society" as your charity choice!
Shop Amazon Smile
You can help support Southwest Metro Animal Rescue by shopping at Amazon. If you make your purchases using and pick us as your charity, a percentage of each purchase will be donated to our rescue. The prices are the same as so there is no additional cost to you!
- Wire Pet Crates
- Easy Walk Dog Harnesses Small, Small/Medium, Medium, and Medium/Large
- Collars/leashes
- Toys (cat and dog)
- Scoopable cat litter
- Postage stamps
- Dry dog and cat food
- Food and water dishes
- Colored printer paper
- Fabric pieces & remnants

Good Search
We have partnered with Goodshop so that now you can feel great about your online shopping! Goodshop gives you the best coupons for thousands of stores like Target, Apple, Amazon, Petco and more AND a percentage of what you spend on virtually every purchase is donated to our cause! Plus, with the Goodshop app for iPhone and iPad, you can shop, save, and give on the go. All you have to do is specify "Southwest Metro Animal Rescue and Adoption Society" as your charity choice!
Shop Amazon Smile
You can help support Southwest Metro Animal Rescue by shopping at Amazon. If you make your purchases using and pick us as your charity, a percentage of each purchase will be donated to our rescue. The prices are the same as so there is no additional cost to you!
If you are looking to help homeless animals there are more various ways you can help
- Become a Volunteer
- Become a Foster Home
- Become a Sponsor
- Memorials
- Make a donation of money
- Donate items to our Rummage Sale
- Donate items to our silent auctions & wine tasting events